The BOI report filing deadline is 12/31/2024. Let us manage it all for you with our report filing service.

Solo 401k Plan Controlled Group Rules

Solo 401(k) Controlled Group Rules

Solo 401k Plan Controlled Group Some of our Solo 401k clients ask whether a business or individual can adopt a separate Solo 401k plan for another business or entity. One must first determine whether adopting the additional Solo 401k would violate the Controlled Group Rules set up by the IRS and Department of Labor. The […]

Using a Loan with the Solo 401k Plan

Solo 401(k) Plan loan

Retirement investors often wonder if they can use a Solo 401k plan loan to make investments that require leverage, such as real estate. How does it work? Do the same rules that apply to acquiring a loan with a Self-Directed IRA also apply to the Solo 401k? In this article, we will explain the rules […]

The Self-Directed IRA LLC Operating Agreement

Self-Directed IRA LLC Operating Agreement

The LLC Operating Agreement is the core document that is referred to when issues concerning the LLC need to be resolved. The LLC Operating Agreement is the most important document for your Self-Directed IRA. It is extremely important that you create an Operating Agreement for your Self-Directed IRA LLC. How Does the Self-Directed IRA LLC Work? The […]

How to Make Ethereum Investments using a Self-Directed IRA

Ethereum Blog Converted 02

Ethereum investments with a self-directed IRA LLC provides investors with tax-free gains, retirement portfolio diversity & the ability to invest privately. Learn more about using a Self-Directed IRA or Self-Directed IRA LLC for ethereum investments.

Is a Self-Directed IRA LLC IRS Approved?

IRS Approved

The Self-Directed IRA is an IRS-approved retirement plan that is like a Traditional IRA, but allows investors to purchase alternative assets, such as real estate and precious metals with their retirement funds. The Self-Directed IRA LLC structure was affirmed in the Tax Court case Swanson v. Commissioner, 106 T.C. 76 (1996), and further confirmed by the […]

The History of the Solo 401(k) Plan

The history of solo 401ks

You may know of the Solo 401k Plan, but not the Solo 401k history. Where did it begin? Why did it begin and most importantly, who does the Solo 401k benefit? The Solo 401k Plan comes with many names. You may know of it as: Individual 401(k) Self-Directed 401(k) Self-employed 401(k) One participant plan So […]

Why Hasn’t my Financial Advisor Heard of a Self-Directed IRA?

why hasn't my financial advisor heard of a self directed IRA?

This is a question we used to hear all the time when we first started business a decade ago.  Self-Directed IRAs are much more mainstream in today’s society.  However, there is still limited access to both the plans themselves and information about them.  Here, we’ll briefly explore the benefits of Self-Directed IRAs and why your […]

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Tax Strategies for 2024 & Beyond: How to Maximize Deductions and Minimize Penalties with Your IRA