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The Self-Directed IRA Trust

Using a Trust instead of an llc

Generally speaking, using a trust versus an LLC for your Self-Directed IRA is not the wisest choice since there is no asset protection, among other things.

How to Legally Hold Your Retirement Account Owned Cryptos in a Cold Wallet

How to Legally Hold Your Retirement Account Owned Cryptos in a Cold Wallet

There is a well-known saying among crypto enthusiasts – “no keys, no cheese.”  The idea behind this phrase is that without having total control over your Crypto IRA private keys you don’t have complete ownership of the cryptos.  Unfortunately, when it comes to a Crypto IRA, holding your IRA private keys is not so simple. Why […]

Navigating the 2023 IRA Contribution Deadline Rules

Roth IRA Page Investments Rules

With over 65 million IRAs and approximately $13 trillion of IRA funds, most American’s savings are in IRAs.   The reason that saving through an IRA is so popular is because the IRA regime is based on two very important tax principles: (i) tax deductions and (ii) tax deferral.  With a pre-tax IRA, one will receive […]

CBD Investments in an IRA


One of the primary reasons the Self-Directed IRA has grown in popularity over the last fifteen years is the investment freedom it offers retirement account investors. With a Self-Directed IRA, one can use an IRA or 401(k) plan to invest in almost any type of asset, such as real estate, private businesses, investment funds, cryptos, […]

Using a Self-Directed IRA for Hard Money Lending

Hard money lending and an IRA

IRA Financial Group, the leading provider of Self-Directed IRA LLC and Solo 401(k) Plan solutions, announces a specially designed Self-Directed IRA LLC solution for hard money lenders looking to generate tax-deferred or tax-free returns. Because most financial institutions continue to require solid credit scores and spend weeks reviewing financial statements, tax returns, and business plans, […]

Using a Solo 401(k) Plan to Invest in Options

invest in options

When it comes to making investments with a Solo 401(k) Plan, the IRS generally does not tell you what you can invest in, only what you cannot invest in. You are permitted to use a Solo 401(k) Plan to invest in options. The types of investments that are not permitted to be made using retirement […]

Solo 401k Checkbook Control Structure

checkbook control Solo 401(k)

The Solo 401k checkbook control structure simplifies how you can purchase investments. By establishing a bank account for your plan, you can write a check, use a debit card, or wire funds on the spot. Solo 401k Retirement Plan A Solo 401k is perfect for sole proprietors, small businesses, and independent contractors. A Solo 401k […]