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Quick FAQ & Further Reading

What are the Prohibited Transactions Rules?

There are certain transactions and/or investments that are prohibited by the IRS.  If you engage in such transactions, you may face penalties by the IRS.  Read More

What is Non-Recourse Financing?

Only a nonrecourse loan can be used to borrow money for a retirement account investment.  An IRA that takes a loan to a purchase a property will be subject to the UBTI tax.  Read More

What is UBTI?

Unrelated Business Taxable Income, or UBTI, is a tax you can face if your retirement plan investment generates income “unrelated and carried on” including pass-through entities, such as an LLC.  Read More

Real Estate Investing with an IRA

A Self-Directed IRA allows one to use retirement funds to invest in real estate.  Investment opportunities include rental/income properties, fix and flips, and land and can be either residential or commercial.  Read More

Real Estate Investing with a 401(k)

If you are self-employed, the Solo 401(k) is the best way to use retirement funds to invest in real estate.  401(k) plans are exempt from the UBTI tax when real estate investing.  Read More

Investing in Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are treated as property for investment purposes, just like stocks or real estate.  Investing in cryptos with a retirement account is a tax-advantaged way to buy and sell.  Read More

Investing in Precious Metals

One can use retirement funds to invest in most precious metals, so long as they are not prohibited by the IRS.  Precious metal investments should be held with a trustee and not personally.  Read More

How Does the Solo 401(k) Loan Work?

One can borrow up to $50,000 or 50% of the 401(k) balance, whichever is less, for any reason.  Loans must be repaid quarterly with an interest rate of at least Prime.  Read More

Solo 401(k) Contributions Rules

Solo 401(k) contributions are made as both the employee (elective deferral) and employer (profit sharing) and can generally be made with pretax funds, after-tax or as a Roth contribution.  Read More

Roth vs. Traditional IRA

Both types of IRAs are a tax-advantaged way to save for retirement with the major difference being when the funds are taxed.  Read More

What is the Mega Backdoor Roth 401(k)?

If you are looking to maximize your tax-free retirement funds and you are self-employed, the mega backdoor Roth strategy will allow you to supersize your savings.  Read More

Checkbook Control vs. Custodian Control

When you have checkbook control of your retirement account, you have the freedom to invest in what you want, when you want.  While you can make many types of investments with Custodian Control, you generally need consent before making an investment.  Read More