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How to Lower Your Bitcoin IRA Custodial Fees

How to lower your Bitcoin IRA fees

Bitcoin IRA custodial fees are known to be very high. However, there are ways to get around it, depending on what structure you choose. It’s best to avoid brokers, custodians and setting up an LLC to reduce costs.

Use a Solo 401(k) to Buy Cryptocurrency

Solo 401k buy cryptocurrency

If you are self-employed, you can use the Solo 401(k) to buy cryptocurrency. The Solo 401(k) is a unique retirement plan designed for self-employed individuals and small business owners. Individuals who do not meet the eligibility to open a Solo 401(k) can still use a Self-Directed IRA to buy Cryptocurrency. What is Cryptocurrency? For a […]

Bitcoin Halving – How To Prepare


Bitcoin has gone through 3 halvings. During each, the price of Bitcoin has seen a significant rise. But we should not focus only on the price, we should also consider the production rate.